Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Peanut Butter and Banana

It's amazing once kids hit about 5 how "grown up" they start seeming all of a sudden. Obviously, I don't REALLY mean grown up, but you know, it's that real transition from toddler/preschooler to where they seem so much like a "big" kid.  That's definitely happened with Elly, too, and just in little ways she is becoming such a "little mommy" around here! She loves helping with laundry, wants to help do dishes (and isn't too bad at them!), and enjoys sweeping off the back deck and using the swiffer mop, too.  Her favorite thing, for sure, though, seems to be helping in the kitchen.  I'd be lying to say that's always a good thing!  You other moms know what I mean.  Sometimes that extra "help" is just about enough to drive you over the edge on a busy day!  (please tell me I'm not alone!)  However, most of the time, she's really becoming a true helper, and I do love it!  It's especially nice when it starts to transition into really being able to make my load a little easier.  Elly has gotten pretty good at making lunches for herself and Zech alot of days...she actually begs to! Her favorite to make?  Peanut butter and banana sandwiches!   The only thing that's different in hers than mine is she adds jelly also to it.  Seems a little much to me, but if she's the chef, mama's not complaining!!  One day I got a few shots of her making she and Z their sandwiches.  Just kinda' cute, if you ask me!  Mommy's little helper! (:


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