Saturday, October 20, 2012

Little Old Man

Zechariah is our #6, and he's a laid back, easy going fella' for sure.  He has a deep, slow talking voice most of the time (for a three year old), and he loves pretending and playing, just like most little boys his age.  Most of the time he is either a knight, a superhero, a cowboy, or a farmer (as I type that, I'm realizing that's an interesting list!) Recently, (and this is classic Zech style), in his deep little voice he said, "It's a beautiful day to sit out on the porch, I think." Well, I couldn't argue that, so I told him he could go out on the front porch.  He first had to go get one of his cowboy hats, some boots, and eventually his guitar, and then he was ready to sit and rock a while on the porch, just watching the beautiful day and the cars drive by!  He rocked and rocked, most of the time just looking and sitting.  After a while, he did pick up his guitar and play and sing a few tunes! No hurries, no worries!  That's about Z's style!

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