Saturday, October 20, 2012

Girlie Stuff!

Growing up, it was never an odd thing to see my best friend, Dee, and I with sponge curlers in our hair the night before church, a dance recital, or who knows what else!  That's probably something lots of the ladies reading this experienced at some time or another as a little girl, too, I imagine.  The thing that might be slightly different is the method Dee and I used to keep those curlers in place overnight while we slept on them....our panties.  Yep.  That's right!  Panties on our head.  It became such a regular thing for us, it was years before I realized everyone didn't do this, too! 

Elly has never done the sponge curlers overnight...until recently, and she had been asking for trying out her hair curly for fun, so one night we did it! (Keep in mind, with four boys, sponge curlers aren't something we've done before around here!). Ofcourse, I had to carry on the tradition of the panties on the head. Elly had a ball with it, too! I wish I could quickly get my hands on a picture of Dee and me with the same look going, because Elly looks SO much like me in a couple of these silly pictures!

As with my own hair with sponge curlers as a little girl, and "hot sticks" in high school and college, (oh, yeah...some of you know exactly what I'm talking about!), I liked Elly's the best the second day after the curl had fallen out some!  It was fun playing around with it, and I think I'm going to have to check in with Dee soon, because she has a few girls of her own now, and I'm betting they've tried the "panties on the head" method themselves a few times!

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