Sunday, September 16, 2012

Absolute Randomness...End of the Schoolyear

This post just contains some random pictures from various events the last month or so before we moved....a little bit of everything!
(click on the collage to enlarge and see better!)

Middle School and Highschool choral concert , Jake inducted into the Jr. Beta Club, Fun with friends, and a sweet picture drawn by Joshie...Joshua drew it a year or more ago for Kenny (has things on it Kenny always says), and it got quite weathered over the past year as his outside office door was opened and closed over and over...ofcourse, I had to keep it and snap a picture of it before I took it down. 

Elly had her first visit to the eye doctor for a problem with her eye (better now) and obviously had a good time!

Jake...always my helper and a great big the park near our house in Georgia

Caleb had his end of the year band concert.  6th graders all had to choose and begin learning an instrument this past year at Landmark, and Caleb really took off and did an awesome job playing trumpet.

Jake  man

A very common sight at our house (when he has time)...Jake writing on the computer.  Working on a book pretty diligently over the past year or so, and it's beginning to really come "little" C.S. Lewis

Elly flying her new kite in the backyard

Last day of school at Landmark. Becky Joiner...can't say enough about this awesome lady!
Hard saying goodbyes on the last day of school...Joshua with Mrs. Martin. 

Joshua, Brian, and David (I got more pictures with friends, but I wasn't sure if all of their parents wanted their pics posted on my blog, so I didn't post! 

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