Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Fall Pics

Taking pictures is one of my favorite things to do.  I don't have a fancy camera and never have had any formal training, so I don't claim to be a "photographer" at all. My dad always loved taking pictures of everything, whether it be family and kids, old barns, nature, whatever.  I know that's where I got my  love for it, and since having more and more children over the years it has really grown into quite a hobby.  I think lots of moms understand exactly what I'm talking about!  Well, here are a few pictures I took of the little ones last week just unplanned after church and after running errands...makes me happy to capture their sweet faces! (Yes, most of them are Zech this time!)


  1. Those are adorable!!! I can just hear the giggles in some of them. I tell Tim that photography is one of a mother's job as the family click away and make them say "cheese" over and over. :)

  2. Well-said..."family historian" it!!!
