In my previous post I shared the story of our twins, Joshua and David, and how the Lord gave them life even when the odds were completely stacked against them. We chose their first names, because they were two Old Testament warriors...mighty men of God who had enormous impact for the kingdom. In this post I have just written a little about each one of them individually. This was their first year not being homeschooled and going to regular school. The first week their teacher asked all of the parents to write for her a brag letter about our children, just wide open permission to brag on them in every way to give her a little peek into who they are and their giftedness. (what parent wouldn't like the chance to do that, right?!) I've taken those letters and added a few things to each, and that's what I've posted below.
Now, I do think it's necessary to point out that this is a BRAG post to celebrate their little lives. If you are new to reading my blog or don't know me well, you ought to take some time to read some of my "I'm inadequate" type posts I've written, because life around here is definitely not picture perfect all the time! I also promise to take the time to gradually share more in future posts of the challenges and issues we have and have had through the years so far in day to day life with a house full! All that aside, I LOVE these fellas, and I give God every ounce of the glory for what He has done and is continuing to do in their lives!!!
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Joshua is the oldest twin (by a few minutes!) He's always been such a sweetie. We used to call him "Smiley" all the time when he was little, because he always had this big, bright smile on his face and he was such a chunky little sweet teddy bear! He's still so kind and "smiley", but Joshua is also strong, tough, and athletic... and so much fun! He loves anything that involves a challenge, especially if it requires a ball or a lot of physical activity. He is competitive, hard working, and has been really successful at every sport he's tried so far. Just a natural athlete. God has given him such a wide range of giftedness, though, because as much as he excels at sports, he is equally gifted at music and art. Joshua has beautiful handwriting, and loves to draw and create things. When he was about 3-4 years old he would create just about anything out of notebook paper and tape. He could make these huge free standing castles all on his own with just paper, tape, and that little engineer-like mind of his! He's always liked making things with his hands and doing any kind of painting or artwork, and he's really talented in those areas. He began taking guitar lessons last fall, and he has just taken off in his love of playing and singing with the guitar. Just this summer he began writing a couple of songs on the guitar (and singing), and I love hearing his heart for the Lord come through in his music already. Kenny and I have said more than once that it wouldn't surprise us one bit if Joshua became a worship leader someday. There's something special there. Whatever God is up to with this guy, I have no doubt it's something big for His kingdom. Joshua desires that. He is a fine young man, a good friend,a leader, and a young warrior with a servant's heart.
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David is the younger twin, and though he has always been a little smaller than Joshua, it's never slowed him down one bit! From inside my belly 9 years ago, David was already a fiesty little fella. I have never had a baby that did that much flipping and flopping the way David did! They told me with twins that after about 32-33 weeks the babies would stay in position, because there just isn't enough room to move around. Well, they hadn't met our David! Twice a week I went to the doctor at that point, and every single time he had changed position! Head down one day, feet first the next! (and I might add, I knew EXACTLY when he was changing positions every time!) It still makes me smile to watch him run and play the way he does and watch his fiesty little personality, because that's exactly who he was from the beginning! David has always been naturally athletic. Anyone around him from when he was only 16 months old and on, couldn't believe the way he could throw a ball already...I'm not exaggerating. It was a regular thing each week to have the different nursery workers at church come to greet us at the door saying, "How did you teach this kid to throw a ball like that already?! Grandparents and other friends and family who spent any time around him couldn't believe how naturally this little guy could throw either, and specifically both of his grandfathers said multiple times they couldn't wait to see this Dallas duo one day with David throwing and Joshua catching or receiving (depending on the sport!)! He still loves to throw that ball, and do anything and everything that involves sports, activity, and challenge. He may have been the smallest Dallas baby, but his big, contagious personality made up for that quickly! David has always had these eyes that just dance. He's fully alive, and just loves Jesus and loves people. He loves to read, and he loves anything that involves music, too. He began guitar lessons last fall, and he has done an incredible job learning to play and sing. He absolutely loves it and hearing him worship His Lord through playing and singing blesses my heart. God has given him quite a math mind, also, and he loves learning and absorbs new things very quickly. David has a thankful, tender heart. He is so quick to say thank you to us over and over even for what might seem like the smallest thing to most kids. He just can't express it enough, and it's just beautiful to me. I love the contrast in his personality....much like David of the Bible. Brave, bold, warrior....but, also, this loving, kind young man of God who loves to worship and loves serving others. I believe with all my heart that God has big things for David for His kingdom. He desires that already himself, and is a great leader and lover of God.
We love watching the unique relationship these two have, and seeing it continue to grow over the years. My husband often refers to the Proverb that says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man strengthens another." We pray this to be true among all of the brothers in our home, and we remind these two frequently that they have been given each other for specific reasons, many of which only God knows. Somehow it's part of God building them to be exactly who they are called to be. He put them together on purpose. I sure am thankful that He did.
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