Saturday, May 21, 2011

Life lately...Recent Pics

Just a simple post today...just wanted to post some sweet family life pics from the last few weeks...I love this precious crew!! 

Jake and Caleb at track meet (:

El and Zech...absolute sweetness!
With Kenny's guys in varsity spring practice,
and big brothers in middle school spring, the twins
had to pull out their pants for backyard practices!

Elly and sweet girlie!

Z and this!
  Elly posing for the camera!
These two keep me laughing every single day!  Such fine fellas!

Ok, obviously he's giving me a hint...ya' think? (no, we haven't even begun to start potty training yet!) Just walked in the bathroom and found him this way!  Hee-hee! (just in case you can't tell, he is fully clothed sitting there!)

Smiley Zech man!
Elly surprised me and folded half of the clothes all by herself!  Precious!  Not too bad for 3 years old! Sweet little heart!
Precious David
Daddy with Joshua and Z playing out in the backyard


  1. Enjoyed being on your blog this morning.Let's go impact our world for His glory today!LOVE you...thanks for the joy I received from reading about your family this morning. Our families are called to be 'Lanterns is the darkness.' Shine brightly for His sake...He is so worthy of our honor...

  2. Thank you so much, Becky! I'm with you! Let's do it together...the family. Love you!
