Monday, June 6, 2011

Mud Day and Family Fun!

Mud Day...aren't the most fun times usually not the ones we plan?  Last weekend we spent most of the day working in the yard, working on the garden, and just playing outside.  These mud pictures sord of sum up what the end of the day looked like!  This one of Z looking up at the camera is one of my all time favorites!  Love it! 

Jake and Caleb had already gone in and showered before the mud games started, or I'm quite sure they would have joined in, as well! Here are some more pics from mud day:

SO glad summer has arrived!  I added a collage below of some recent pictures from playing & and working outside, going to the park for lunch after church, and just hanging out together!  Looking forward to a great summer!  Life is sweet! (:

(P.S.-If you click on the collage it will enlarge it)


  1. Check your cell and call me please!

  2. What great photos. What a trooper Mom you are to have so many in a mud bath! Looking forward to seeing ya'll soon!

  3. Jamie, I emailed you the info you needed...thank you!

    Thanks, Fish Fam! Looking forward to seeing you guys,too, and letting all the kiddos meet!
